Sinner Computing Our Sin is to reject bloated software!

Sinner Computing | AGM 2003

The Sinner Computing AGM 2003 offered a rare insight into this remarkable company. It is hard enough to get the company core in one room without having the chance to take photos and ask questions! What follows are the jewels of knowledge that we were able to glean from this talented group.

Jozef Markaoovf (the second) is responsible for directing the Sinner Computing programming team. In addition to this demanding role, he also codes personally some of the harder parts of the more advanced programs. For example, it is rumoured that he was the one who typed "Small Time Mode" in GigAlarm 1.23. Wow.
Christina Phillips designed the look, feel, touch and smell of the Sinner Computing Website. This striking ex-model comes from long line of Web-Designers. Her great grandfather was actually a spider. Gosh.

Charles Tipovf provides support to the millions of loyal Sinner Computing software users. He also compiles all of the help files and some the FAQ page to help Christina. There are actually rumours of a romance blossoming between them. Corker!
Rachael Marks handles the cash flow at Sinner Computing. Rachael (Ms Rachael Marks to her friends) confided that everyone hates her guts as she is so "delightfully refined". However, the word is that the real reason why she is really hated is because she has the easiest job of all, but still struggles to do it right. Gee!

Chuck "Big Balls" Bundy is responsible for security at Sinner Computing. We are not clear if this is in regard to software security or physical security. To try to get to the bottom of this we asked Chuck to explain, but all we were told from this intimidating man was "I am a triple white belt in the ancient art of Chongalongalongalonga." Scary.
Jack Glass is the head researcher in the Sinner Computing Team. In addition to being the "ladies man" at Sinner Computing, he personally compiled all of the data for the CPUSpy project. When we confronted him with the fact that CPUSpy only covers AMD (tm) & Intel (tm) CPUs, he stopped snoring, opened his eyes, and said "I am busy researching something else now." Intriguing.

Robbie Back is responsible for testing the multitude of Sinner Computing products. He claims that he was given the job when he succeeded in crashing QWave 1.0 within 5 minutes. The remarkable fact about his story is that he was delivering pizza at the time. However, when we questioned Andrew Glina about the story the most we could get from him was a muttered ".. that version suxed anyway..". Mysterious.
Edward Skits is the entire art department at Sinner Computing. Yes, the rumours are true; there is an extremely talented artist behind all of that great work. He even designed the Sinner Computing Clock. We caught him hard at work on a radical redesign of the last Egg icon. We queried Ed as to why the last icon was so bad and he proceeded to slap us with his hi-tech drawing board. Shocking!

John Dart is in charge of planning. This job used to be handled by Andrew but he is trying to find more time to improve his Tetris score. John confided in us that he will be trying a hostile take over bid next week. However Andrew overheard and got up and decked him. A subdued John revealed that he maintains a list of planned programs in the secret FAQ page. Revealing!
Andrew "J" Glina is the CEO at Sinner Computing. He spoke to us (at great length) about how he was still the "heart and soul" of Sinner Computing and without him it would fall apart within a week. However, from our own observations we find this hard to believe. After all, he spent 45 minutes fault finding his Apple //e, yet it was Robbie Back who reluctantly highlighted the fact that it was switched off the whole time. The proof is in the photo. Disappointing.

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